What is (REMs) Real Ear Measurement?

What is (REMs) Real Ear Measurement?

What is (REMs) Real Ear Measurement? Real Ear Measurement is a procedure that is completed during a Hearing Aid Fitting that allows us to verify output of hearing aids live in the patient’s ear canal. How are REMs completed? At the fitting appointment our Audiologist...
Meet The Team!

Meet The Team!

Kingsbridge Hearing Care would like to welcome our new Audiology Coordinator Megan Deely O’Meara to the team. To find out a bit more about Megan we have compiled a fun Q&A. Give us a brief outline of your career to date? Before moving to Belfast, I worked in a few...
When Should Earwax Be Removed?

When Should Earwax Be Removed?

Wax is part of the ears natural cleaning mechanism; it helps to moisturise the skin and protect against bacteria and germs. In a normal healthy ear, chewing motions and jaw movement help to gradually move wax to the entrance of the ear canal without the need for any...