by admin | Sep 10, 2020 | Hearing Aids, Hearing Care
Most cases of hearing loss are so gradual the individual is not even aware of it and it is often loved ones who are the first to notice a change. Unaddressed Hearing Loss can lead to social isolation Watching someone you care about miss out on conversations with...
by admin | Aug 20, 2020 | Hearing Aids, Hearing Care
The Alzheimer’s Society estimates there are over 20,000 people in Northern Ireland with Dementia. Researchers have identified key risk factors for the development of dementia, many of which can be reduced through better health awareness and lifestyle changes. One of...
by admin | May 13, 2020 | Clinic News, Hearing Aids, Product News
How to clean a hearing aid with an earmould How to clean a custom hearing aid How to clean a Receiver in the Canal How to change the CeruShield wax filter of receiver How to change the cerustop wax filter on a custom...
by admin | May 11, 2020 | Clinic News, Hearing Aids, Product News
General advice It is important to treat your hearing aid with care. You will keep it in working order for many years and minimize potential problems during everyday use. Hearing aids may be sturdy, but they cannot withstand improper use. In the following, you will...
by admin | May 11, 2020 | Ear Cleaning, Hearing Aids, Product News
Troubleshooting for hearing aids Each part of the amplification system needs to be cared for and properly maintained. Hearing aid care and maintenance should be discussed during the fitting appointment. Usually the audiologist will provide a “hearing aid care kit” for...
by admin | May 11, 2020 | Hearing Aids, Product News
To use a landline or mobile phone effectively with hearing aids you need to ensure the phone is positioned close to the microphone of the hearing aid. If your phone has a volume control you should adjust this for comfort. If you wear in the ear style hearing aids you...