Phonak Audéo™ Lumity

Conversations shine with Lumity
Introducing Audéo Lumity with unique Phonak SmartSpeech™ Technology for improved speech understanding. Fully immerse in conversations around you and enjoy easier hearing in many situations.
  • Improved speech understanding in noisy environments¹
  • Reduced listening effort¹
  • Universal connectivity to IOS®, Android™ and other Bluettoth® enabled devices
  • Waterproof∗(Audéo Life™ Lumity)
  • Health data tracking∗∗
  • Personalised noise cancelling
  • Access voice assistant apps with a tap
Phonak Audeo Lumity Pic

What is SmartSpeech Technology

SmartSpeech Technology is a unique collection of features, designed to deliver the benefits of improved speech understanding and reduced listening effort in various listening environments for those with a hearing loss.

Phonak Audeo Lumity

Connect with the world around you

Phonak Lumity provides connectivity to iOS® and Android™ smartphones, TVs, Roger devices and wireless accessories.

Universal connectivity enables your Phonak Lumity hearing aids to seamlessly connect to all of your favorite devices. Make true hands-free calls and pair up to eight Bluetooth® enabled devices, while two are simultaneously connected

phonak lumity

Hearing Assessment Enquiry

    Or Call for an appointment on 028 9066 7030


    *up to 50cm
    **In order to access health data, it is necessary to create an account within myPhonak app

    1.Appleton, J. (2020) AutoSense OS 4.0 – significantly less listening effort and preferred for speech intelligibility. Phonak Field Study News retrieved, accessed August, 2022.

    Latzel, M. & Hobi, S. (2022) ActiveVent™ Receiver provides benefit of open and closedacoustics for better speech understanding in noise and naturalness of own voiceperception. Phonak Field Study News retrieved from,accessed August 2022.

    Thibodeau L.M. (2020) Benefits in Speech Recognition in Noise with Remote WirelessMicrophones in Group Settings. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology,31(6), 404–411.

    Woodward,J and Latzel, M (2022) New implementation of directional beamformingconfigurations show improved speech understanding and reduced listening effort.PhonakField Study News in preparation. Expected end of 2022

    Book a consultation now on
    028 9066 7030

    Part of The Kingsbridge Healthcare Group