Why you shouldn’t use cotton buds in your ears.
If you feel your ears are blocked with wax please DO NOT insert cotton buds or any other items into your ear. Foreign objects like cotton buds can damage the delicate skin of the ear canal increasing the likelihood of infection, they also push wax deeper into the ear canal where it is not normally present.
If the wax is pushed against the eardrum it can cause temporary hearing loss, earache and tinnitus, there is also a risk of the cotton bud puncturing the eardrum. Wax that has been pushed deep into the ear is unlikely to move back out itself, even with the use of over the counter wax softeners and frequently requires professional removal.
Managing earwax at home during Covid-19
A build-up of hard earwax can cause discomfort while blockages of soft wax can cause a temporary reduction in hearing.
At present, if you have earwax but are not currently experiencing any issues it is best to leave the wax alone as any softening agents will be absorbed by the wax and potentially cause blockages and symptoms. It is also important to keep your ears dry when showering or bathing as water in the ear canal can have the same effect as wax softeners.
If you are experiencing symptoms of earwax build-up, we recommend using Earol.
Earol is a sterile olive oil spray used to soften and loosen earwax, the nozzle applicator makes it easy to use and disperses the oil into the ear canal in a fine mist, allowing it to coat and soften the wax with less likelihood of it blocking the ear compared to olive oil inserted via a dropper.
In some cases, depending on the amount and consistency of the wax, Earol will help to soften and loosen the wax but it will still require professional removal.
If you would like to enquire about wax removal please click here and complete the contact us form. We will be in touch as soon as we are able to offer routine appointments.